
Thinning hair in women

Thinning hair in women: causes, treatments, products & more

Learn why you may be suffering from thinning hair, how to prevent female hair thinning, the best haircare and how to style thin hair.

Hair Loss and thinning hair: what causes hair loss in women?

Have you noticed thinning hair? Women, like men, can suffer from hair loss and thinning for different reasons, and it’s not always age-related. The good news is that you can help improve the quality of thinning hair. We look at what causes thinning hair in women, as well as ways to improve its thickness and natural-looking volume, as recommended by experts. 


Thinning hair: causes of thinning hair in women

There are different causes of thinning hair in women and knowing what causes female hair thinning is the first step of finding a solution. 

Hair production slows
Over time, our hair follicles can stop producing new hair, which leaves the scalp increasingly visible. The still-active follicles might produce healthy fibres, but if a significant number slow or even stop entirely, hair will appear visibly sparser. 

Thinner hair production
The stage before hair follicles stop producing hair is usually precluded by the production of thin, straggly new hairs. Compare new hair growth with longer, older strands and compare their texture to see if this could be the cause for your thinning hair.

Naturally thin hair
Eye colour, height, body shape and hair type are all related to our genetics, like our hair type, with some people being born with naturally thin or fine hair, and others a full head of thick, voluminous locks. Compare your hair with that of your family to see if thin hair is a family trait.

Hair falls out
The hair may still be in production, but certain causes can result in it dropping out in places, or when it reaches a certain length. This can be noticed by increased hair shedding overnight and in the shower. Read on for what causes hair loss in women...

Why your hair is thinning and how to prevent thinning hair 

What can cause hair loss in women?

Stress and thinning hair 
Thinning hair in women can cause emotional stress  and, vice versa, stress can be one of the main reasons for hair loss in women. It’s a cycle that’s difficult to break out of, but it starts with a) reducing the stress trigger and, if that trigger is thinning hair, b) taking steps to improve hair quality.

Pulling and over-styling 
Not only do compulsions such as trichotillomania (obsessive hair pulling) cause hair loss, but the way you style your hair is also a potential cause of thinning hair. Tight braids, weaves and even pulled-back buns/ponytails can result in the gradual weakening of hair.

Medication that causes hair loss 
Chemotherapy is well-known for its side effects of hair loss, but there are other treatments and medications that have been connected to thinning hair. These can include birth control, acne medication, antibiotics and blood pressure pills. Always speak to a doctor if you experience side effects  – don’t simply stop the treatment or you could end up exacerbating the condition as well as your hair loss.

Haircare and how to style thin hair

You’ve identified (or been analysed by a professional) the type of thinning hair you have, as well as the cause behind it, and are looking for a solution to the problem. While genetic-related hair loss cannot be prevented, there are ways to boost the thickness of the remaining hair. 

The first step is to ensure you have a healthy diet and lifestyle. Seeing a healthcare professional can help identify any imbalances in your diet and whether this could be a contributing factor to your hair loss/thinning hair. You can also incorporate a scalp massage into your routine that can help stimulate blood circulation.

The right haircare products for women with thinning hair are also vital to ensure thicker looking hair. L’Oréal Professionnel has developed the Serioxyl range in multiple formats, like the Denser Hair solution and Thicker Hair serum. Each can be used to following an analysis by your hair stylist. For a scalp treatment to stimulate root activity, try the anti-thinning Aminexil Advanced program for thinning hair.

If you are wondering how to style thin hair, there are some golden rules. Don’t scrape your hair back into tight styles and avoid the hair straightener where possible. These can draw attention to thinning hair. But don’t worry, when it comes to hairstyles for thin hair, women have options. Use the diffuser attachment to your hairdryer to give the hair natural volume and blow dry it upside down for a little help from gravity. Waves and curls can give the impression of more thickness than poker straight hair, as can a side parting.

 Continue Reading: How to Thicken Hair